12 thoughts on “Siluete”

  1. This image is awesome. It's almost like they are paper cutouts. The sharpness is great. Nice job on the setup on this one. They remind me of the kids in ET, with the flying bicycles.

  2. Excelenta poza! Da Ionel i'a pus sa sara..trebuia sa'i fi pozat si eu..
    Oricum a fost faina ziua aia!

  3. I like this picture a lot. It shows movement and freedom to move in a very unique way. Graet job with the contrast as well.

  4. Dudes!!! Este absolut? fotografia!!!

    Eu รฎmi sparg aparatul!!! (Glumesc, bineรฎn?eles)

  5. Grozav … am un D5000 …. m-ai convins ca nu conteaza deloc aparatura. respect!!!

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