I'm not exactly sure what it is that I like about this but perhaps it is the subtle nature of the sunset, in that it is not overdone and that the shape of the sun is very pleasing. This is of course contrasted by the sillhouette of the thorns, which is worthy in its own right, and provides something of a feeling that there is underlying danger, even within a beautifully calming scene.
Great photo, I love your photoblog, I'll definitly return!
Ce stare imi da fotografia asta… parca as fi eu insami inconjurata de spini.
Foarte fain suprinsa!
nice shot! i love contrast of the bright sun against the sharp thorns… cool idea.
I'm not exactly sure what it is that I like about this but perhaps it is the subtle nature of the sunset, in that it is not overdone and that the shape of the sun is very pleasing. This is of course contrasted by the sillhouette of the thorns, which is worthy in its own right, and provides something of a feeling that there is underlying danger, even within a beautifully calming scene.
Exact ca in viata…mereu pregatiti pt. a ne scoate “tepii”:))